Get me Yellow : Prevent the spread of corona, do this fun way to feel at home!
Along with the increasing number of cases of corona disease for fatherly today, the government is asking for citizens to remain at home and still look after themselves respectively. And appealed to its citizens not to travel if it is not really necessary. Almost all employment and education sectors have an impact on corona. Because all of its citizens are encouraged to be at home starting from work, study to worship also affected fatherly at home.
Now you are being closed and asked to stay at home there will definitely be times when you will experience a feeling of being too tired and bored. Indeed there are not many activities that can be done inside the house. But that does not mean it can not be made cool!
So, for those of you who are working from home or are being closed for corona pandemics. Here it is some activities that can be done so that self-quarantine is far from bored:
1. Oline Lunchdate via Video Call with Office Friends
Old habits with friends during lunch time such as joking and exchanging food, still you can do even if not with the food hehe. Can exchange stories by exchanging news by asking the situation and discussing about work. Because when working at home certainly has different tastes and situations, that way you can exchange tips and tricks when working at home. So to be fun and not boring don’t forget to prepare a topic that will be discussed later.
2. Pamper Yourself with a new Skincare
Take advantage of work time from home ii, to care for and pamper yourself even more optimally. During your work at home no one commented on your appearance. So that even more glowing and fresher, you can take advantage of the work moments from this house to work while masking or scrubs when you enter lunch / break.
3. Look for New Hobbies
Now then you can explore your hobbies if hobbies can still be done at home. Now you can try new hobbies like cooking, reading or writing an article or book. That way your activities at home are more useful and still remain at home. You can try new recipes that are still trendy like dalgona cofee which is said to drink from India.
4. Become a Freelancer to Get Extra Money
If you usually have difficulty dividing time between work and freelancers. With the work period of this house, you will more easily divide his time. The trick is of course still prioritizing completing your main work.
That way you still have energy when working at home, there is no need for office overtime, traffic jams and so on. That way you can use it to work on freelance platforms on freelance platforms. In addition you get extra money from the results of your work as a freelance.
5. Make a Gift for Home People
Even though in this WFH condition it is also the right moment to gather with your family, you can invite them to take a picture together and play games together. Now don’t forget to capture the moment when you gathered with everyone. When it is so that the photo does not look boring you can find an illustration service to change it with a unique style. For example, the style that is trending now is the simpsonize model that changes your face into a cartoon of The Simpsons without losing your identity. Don’t confuse looking for it where you can visit the website or order via email