simpsons style guide

Yellow People Cartoon : Tips and tricks for working at home

Yellow People Cartoon : Tips and tricks for working at home

Yellow People Cartoon : Tips and tricks for working at home
3. We Send Your Picture

The spread of disasters that strike nearby is very very disturbing activities of our lives. Starting unable to move freely, because this disease is very easy to spread. Spread through objects or objects. With many people who have been affected by COVID-19 and many have died. Many countries have implemented lockdowns for their respective countries’ security. In order to maintain the conducive state of the city and country. Many offices and companies take their jobs to work remotely. Now, to make your work more useful, you can see tips and tricks for working in quarantine.

1. Exercise and Breakfast Before Work
Starting the day with simple exercise at home becomes a fun choice. Sport also keeps the body fit. The body is fit in these circumstances is needed so that the virus is not easily hurt. Rest for a while after doing sports. After that you can directly have breakfast. This can improve the mood to work inside the home.

2. Work as if you were in the office
Work as if in the office, so that the lazy nature and easy speech does not arise. You can enter like normal office hours so that you are still productive and the work in your office does not pile up because you are lazy. Adjust your work hours as usual, such as eating, bathing or other, so your work will be finished faster.

3. Make notes and To-do-lists
Preparing a list of what needs to be done is very helpful for overcoming distractions while working at home. It also can maintain focus in the work to stay stay on track. Especially for those of you who have become leaders you can create a to-do list of your company and employees so that jobs and projects continue to run according to the time table.

4. Maintain connectivity
Take advantage of communication tools and technology that is owned as well as possible for discussions and meetings remotely. Try new things to make your work easier. You can learn with other communities so that knowledge increases. Eits, but first finish your work so that there is no work piled up to learn new things.

5. Rest to refresh the mind
Do not forget to take a break from time to time so that it is not saturated, one can listen to music, see comedy flim so that it has fun and your mood is better, of course. After finishing work, do not forget to immediately start returning and finish work.

6. Consume Healthy Foods and Vitamins
While maintaining a healthy diet by cooking alone at home. Can also be used as a moment of bolt qality time with family. For those of you who get assignment at home you can use it for family gatherings. Because you usually have morning and night trips and you mostly miss moments with family. Now at this moment you can use it to understand with your own family. Now for the right moment like this you can give an illustration image containing a family photo. You can visit the website if you want to see a catalog of simspons images you can visit instagram @yellowsimpsonize and if you want to order you can email at

7. Maintain House Cleanliness
When the work is finished it’s time to tidy up the goods and the room. Cleanliness must be maintained.
8. Enough Sleep
Working at home means saving time wasted on the road, meaning we get more sleep to rest.

Yellow People Cartoon : Decorate the Work Table so that more Enthusiasm & Free Saturation

Yellow People Cartoon : Decorate the Work Table so that more Enthusiasm & Free Saturation

Yellow People Cartoon : Decorate the Work Table so that more Enthusiasm & Free Saturation
Yellow People Cartoon : Decorate the Work Table so that more Enthusiasm & Free Saturation

Workbench is one of the spots that you meet every day. Almost all your activities carried out there all day. It is not impossible that you will become bored with the atmosphere, especially if you have a pile of work waiting. Even though the comfortable and pleasant atmosphere of the work affects the productivity, you know. To get an atmosphere like that, you can start by decorating work in a monotonous way. Yuks, Check the following methods

1. Add tassel ornaments arranged to put behind the computer.
Tassel decoration makes your office desk more crowded and more workspace more lively and makes the work desk not monotonous. Oh yes you can give frills with different colors but still in harmony.

2. Add a calendar with an attractive design
Add a calendar on your work table besides you can understand what date it is, and besides you can create a work time table, it will make you work more organized. In addition, you can design calendars by attaching your family photos, or pictures of your loved ones or work colleagues who help you in your work.

3. Display colorful and art drawings behind the computer. You can download it for free on the internet.
You can download the images on the internet then you can save and print and don’t forget to frame it to make it look neat. And you can give motivational words at work. So that you are more enthusiastic and happy working through work.

4. Putting small plants
Furthermore, what you can do in decorating your desk is you can place small model plants that can be placed on the corner of the office desk. Besides that you make your desk beautiful. Plants can also reduce your stress at work. Although small plants can add coolness to your office desk.

5. Add a table lamp.
The next item you can put is a table lamp, a table lamp that you have can put it in the corner of the table, and make the office desk warm and make the atmosphere more calm and warm of course. It will make your work finished faster but you will be more relaxed and enjoy doing it.

6. Coffee cup
The next item that you can use to decorate the table is the coffee cup, your coffee glass can be the next ingredient that can beautify your desk. In addition, you can make coffee cups every morning that make your work more productive and enjoy your work.

7. Display caricatures
Furthermore, items that you can use to decorate your work desk are, you can display caricatures of your own face and family or your office friends. Well you must be confused here what kind of picture will be discussed in the caricature. The most simple simpsonize model now so that your face is depicted with models such as The Simspsons card without losing your identity. No need to worry you can go directly to the website or you can visit instgarma to see examples of ready-made email. You can visit Instagram @yellowsimpsonize. If you want to order caricatures with the simpsonize model via email

Yellow People Cartoon : 12 Farewell Gifts for Your Friends who Change Work

Yellow People Cartoon : 12 Farewell Gifts for Your Friends who Change Work


Luckily for you who work in a high-kin family environment. Where the relationship of each personnel is very close like his own family because we often meet and communicate with him because of work and personal matters that make us close to his own coworkers.
But there is an annoying moment when your workmates who are used to being with you in joy and sorrow will move to their work placement or resign from your workplace. Now for your thanks to him, before he really moved you can give him a little keepsake for him as your closest person.



1. Present a agenda book
This agenda book is not only used to record daily activities. But it also has content that is as uniform as a page for recording expenses in functional detail, right? Besides, when he records, remember that you have worked as a colleague.

2. Softcase
The next gift you can give is a softcase cellphone, before you buy it, make sure what your cellphone is. So when you buy it is not the wrong target, hehe. You can give it a softcase in accordance with the motive that he likes. So when you give it away, she will like it because the item you gave is useful and can protect her cellphone.

3. Give a reading book
Choose books that he likes and books that he doesn’t have. That way when you give it it will make it happy to get it. So when you give him a book, it will make your coworker’s lang time more colorful. In addition, your friend will mengignat the book obtained from a coworker first.

4. Painting your friend
Now for the next gift you can make a painting with your friend’s favorite activities, for example your friend likes to sing, play ball, or also like to travel. With you giving him paintings so he always remembers you when the paintings are placed in a place he likes. But there are still many who are confused about what paintings are suitable? Maybe you can use the simpsonize model, the simponize model makes your painting look like the character of The Simpsons without losing its identity. If you are interested please visit the website, or order via email and you can visit isntagram @yellowsimpsonize to see the results of the painting.

5. A picture of you two
Try to collect photos of you two while you are still working together or photos when you gather after work hours like eating together, having karaoke together, or playing games at the mall. Then rank the photos in the frame that you have provided.

6. Drinking place
The next gift that you can give to your coworkers is drinking water. Sealin helps him to be more diligent in drinking water, giving him a drink bottle also supports your pengiritan program. So no more snacks and drinks that are brought more hygienic than drinks purchased outside.

7. Briefcases
The next gift that you can give to your friends who resign to work is a briefcase, so the bag you give is more useful and is often used when your friend works in a new place. And bags are mandatory when we work, because as a tool to carry luggage when we work.

Yellow People Cartoon : Unique Ideas for Proposing a Lover that is rarely done

Yellow People Cartoon : Unique Ideas for Proposing a Lover that is rarely done

Yellow People Cartoon : Unique Ideas for Proposing a Lover that is rarely done
Yellow People Cartoon : Unique Ideas for Proposing a Lover that is rarely done

Proposing a lover is a form of a man for his seriousness in establishing a relationship together and wants to build dreams with him. Quite often they men want to celebrate in a unique and different way. All that will be realized for people who according to him are specific. Even though the men were labeled as unconcerned, insensitive, they all had other reasons. From this insensitivity, it is not uncommon for men to make surprises that their partners don’t think about. Like applying, what is the application process that is unique and interesting? see the article below.

1. Using Video
This can also be used as an idea to propose to your lover. Before you propose to her, invite your closest friends and her friends to be involved in making videos. Make a romantic scenario and set words and songs that are suitable for applying. Look again at the results of the video that you have made and ask for ratings from the people closest to you before giving it to him.

2. Summarize your Travel Photos with Your Lover
Rarely do some people capture moments with a lover, but at least there are two or three photos that you request from a lover as a documentary and printed in various sizes. Then arrange all the photos into a photo booth where you apply. And get ready friends to capture this special moment.

3. Make a love map
Make love maps that make your partner curious. You can give a little hint to reach the last place he found you. Make sure everything is prepared as romantic as possible. It is like guessing in a television series but you can implement it realistically.

4. Family Gathering
Invite your lover to have dinner together with family, then after eating with your family stand up and say what and your purpose in gathering family together with your lover. State your intention to propose and pair the proposal ring to your lover. It must be pleasure and emotion being one.

5. Propose With Funny Objects
Then you can give funny objects like dolls or other objects like illustration. So you apply with the media funny objects and provide special space for a ring for applying for the doi. So when he saw the object, he would be curious about the small box in it. Like an illustration illustrating his face but with the character model of The Simpsons after there is a small box in the corner and it says open here. When the doi opens it will ask what the maskud is, then here you explain that you want to go to a more serious level and want to propose to you. Now for those of you who are confused looking for illustration services that can illustrate the character of The Simpson, you can visit the website to order, or you can visit instagram @yellowsimpsonize to understand the finished results of the simsponize character.

6. Applying for a Favorite Music Concert
Invite her to watch her favorite music concert, and ask her favorite musician to sing a song that has the purpose of expressing your proposal to her. Then, ask the committee for help so that your lover goes onstage and you come from behind the stage while giving a ring that has been prepared for him.

Yellow People Cartoon : Tips When Exit First Date With Him

Yellow People Cartoon : Tips When Exit First Date With Him

Yellow People Cartoon : Tips When Exit First Date With Him
Yellow People Cartoon : Tips When Exit First Date With Him

The first date is a moment full of dilemmas. You feel extraordinary happiness because you managed to invite him out, but on the other side there is a sense of fear and a sense of confusion in the chest because as long as you travel to pick him up you think about what will be done when meeting him. And confused about what to do to talk anything when dating him.
Yups however the first date, is very influential for subsequent dates. The following are tips that will help you present yourself as a great potential life partner.

1. Take time
Hi you who are already happy because he already wants you to date together, but remember not to carry too much in the happy space. Before you leave, you might feel anxious, nervous, feeling or a combination of the three. To help you calm down, do activities that usually relax you. Read books, watch movies, or listen to music. In addition, these things help divert you from excessive anxiety.

2. Prepare short and simple questions
I’m confused about what are you chatting on a date? try to think of a list of simple questions by asking the series that he likes, because when you like someone you will deliberately stalking him, he likes anything anyway. or you can ask questions about hobbies, art or flim even you can tell interesting things in the near future. Oh yes, you should not be too active when asking for something as much as possible. You are active and listen more often because everyone waita likes what is said when observed.

3. Wear comfortable clothes and (according to style) you
The next tip is that you use clothes that make you comfortable, by wearing comfortable clothes you will enjoy dating more so that you will not be uncomfortable even if you are more confident when meeting him.

4. Come on time
Try to arrive early, not even earlier than the appointment time you meet him. Because he will be very bad mood if you arrive late and it can ruin your next plan. That way he will see you as someone who appreciates the time guys.

5. Communicate Openly and Honestly
The purpose of the first date is certainly to get to know each other. So try to be open and honest when chatting with him. Pretending to only cause problems in the future, don’t start a relationship with dishonesty. Take advantage of this moment to show who you really are.

6. Give a gift
You can give small gifts as souvenirs. You can give it an illustration by using sidoi. To make it even more interesting you can make a picture of your daughter as a character like at The Simspons, curious about how you can visit the website or you can visit instagram at @yellowsimpsonize if you are interested can fill in the form on the website or can order via email

7. Call back after dating
Enjoying a fun time during a date? admit it. Don’t just wait and wait for him to contact you. Tonight after the date it would not hurt you to send short messages like “I’m having a good time! Thank you for spending the night with me. “

Yellow People Cartoon : 5 Love Languages ​​You Need to Know

Yellow People Cartoon : 5 Love Languages ​​You Need to Know

Yellow People Cartoon : 5 Love Languages ​​You Need to Know
Yellow People Cartoon : 5 Love Languages ​​You Need to Know

Language of Love, people who establish love do not necessarily know you by discussing love. Still don’t believe it? many people still say I have done anything for him, but how come he looks mediocre and doesn’t even like it. I wonder why?. There are still many who feel that. That means you don’t know about all the languages ​​of love.
There is a theory of love consisting of 5 languages ​​of love according to Dr. Gary Chapman with his theory that 5 topics of love can help you evaluate your relationship. According to Dr. Gary discuss love is classified into five languages ​​of love is the way people express their feelings of love for others, and if the method is done by a partner will make him feel loved. Below will be explained briefly about the 5 languages ​​of love.
Before you apply it first, you recognize yourself, because everyone has their own love language and is different from each other. There are several topics of love and humans have 5 topics of love, but only some are right for each individual.

1. Word of Affrmation
First love language has words of praise, yup words of praise are constructive sentences. For you, the main language of love is Word of Affirmation, you will be very happy and feel most loved if your partner compliments you like “You are beautiful today”, “Your cooking is delicious love” “No need to rush I will wait for you”. Your days will be very warm if it starts with greetings and encouraging words from your environment.

2. Quality Time
Furthermore, there is quality time. This may be simple. Yups, this is just us out with our spouse to just enjoy time together whether it’s a hobby or just let go. Many things can be done with a partner when there is time together, ranging from singing together, vacation either eating or just enjoying the scenery around the area has made you closer to your partner.

3. Receiving Gift
You are a lover of gifts. Any gift – big or small, cheap or expensive. When someone gives you a gift, the pleasure that comes first is not a present. Speaking of gifts, you can order the right gift for your partner. The illustration gift is the right gift, for your partner because it can describe the two of you with other versions. An illustration model that is trending is the simpsonize model that portrays the characters from the series The Simpsons. So your face with a partner changes to the character in The Simpsons. For those of you who are curious can visit the website or can order via email or instagram @yellowsimpsonize

4. Acts of Service
This type of person is a person who shows affection with little attention like carrying a briefcase, massaging a tired pair, or opening the door when entering the mall. These things are indeed simple but they are the ones who love their partners attentively. This figure is a spur for a more advanced father.

5. Physical Touch
Physical touch in this case is not always about sex yes guys, physical touch includes holding hands, kisses, and warm hugs. The easiest example to determine if you speak in love the physical touch category is when you are entertaining. When your friend is sad what you are doing, if you automatically hug him, touch him and pat him on the back then one of the languages ​​of love is phsycal touch

Yellow People Cartoon : The Simpsons Avengers Published March 1 2020

Yellow People Cartoon : The Simpsons Avengers Published March 1 2020

Yellow People Cartoon : The Simpsons Avengers Published March 1 2020
Yellow People Cartoon : The Simpsons Avengers Published March 1 2020

This is not the first time that The Simpsons series has presented parodies with a newly published cartoon or film. Even American presidents like Donald Trump are also parodied by this dominant cartoon in yellow. But with the merger of Disney and Fox, something is different. Yups recently The Simpsons released a poster entitled “Bart the Bad Guy” !!

1. With the hilarious and unique character of The Simpsons parodying the Avengers: Infinity War
The poster “Bart the Bad Guy” is a parody of Avenger Infinty War, here Bart is very fierce and surrounded by other super heroes. And at the front are Homer, Lisa and Marge who are posing in fear. Except for Homer, homer here is sleeping. As in previous episodes, Homer is the main character who is always relaxed where he is. Whooooa Getting even more curious in the future episodes of Homer will be what and will just do when the war starts.

2. Starring Episode Bart and Bad Guy
This Infinity War parody might have a hilarious touch, like the production studio is not marvel but marbel like the name of sweets for children. But the poster list includes actors who are truly typical of The Simpsons such as Castellaneta, Hank Azaria and others.
It’s just that when you look at the top corner there are familiar actors and actresses like Joe Russo, Anthony Russo, Cobie Smulders. These are the figures involved in the Marvel flime. The Russo Brothers are directors of some of the box office marvels such as Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinty War, and Endgame. While Cobie Smulders is cast of Maria Hill
There are other interesting things besides that there is the boss of Marel Studio Kevin Feige whose name is also displayed on the poster. The fegie plays the character as Chinnos which is a parody character from Thanos. Merge Disney with Fox seems to make the higher-ups join the science of The Simpsons over Badaaas.

3. Airing in the Beginning of March
The episode “Bart the Bad Guy” will air Sunday March 1, 2020. The Russo brothers also uploaded the poster to their respective social media accounts and promoted it. This series will be very much awaited by fans of The Simpsons looking exciting and storyline that is difficult to guess of course.

What do you think about this poster of The Simpsons parody of Avengers: Infinity War? Well, for you lovers of the Simpsons cartoon series, you want to make illustrations with the Simpsons character model, you can order via the website or you can order via email if you want to see the results of our work, you can follow instagram @yellowsimpsonize.

Yellow People Cartoon : Anything you can do when you are bored working

Yellow People Cartoon : Anything you can do when you are bored working

Yellow People Cartoon : Anything you can do when you are bored working
Yellow People Cartoon : Anything you can do when you are bored working

It is undeniable, the routine in working that we live for days and days makes us become bored when we start living it. Activities in the office can be guessed, and almost the same every day. Or we in the office feel overwhelmed by the activities in the office make you more depressed and make you feel lazy and calm the mood. Work is no longer a pleasure and the important thing is finished. Instead of your work more messed up you can try the things below.

1. Use the Weekend
When weekdays you have been stuck in work that is piling up and a lot, so when you get a day off you can use it with the family to joke together to see television with serials that entertain the family, or you can use it for useful things and can increase your creativity. Use this time for you, because of the different ways in which you can read novels, work, go to karaoke, and carry out your hobbies. Pleasing yourself is a surefire way to get you back in shape.

2. Go home on time
In order to avoid feeling of boredom, you simply run your work according to the portion according to your working hours, such as your working hours, only 8 hours per day. Don’t feel burdened after office hours are over. Stop thinking about work related things after you get home.
Do not open e-mails, check reports because they can make you burdened and your rest will be less effective. It’s not that we limit our ability to work, but this is a form of work itself, because we will have more creative power when we have enough rest.

3. Schedule a vacation to a different place
Besides scheduling a very short trip on weekends. You can also hold a vacation periodically, and you can schedule at new vacation spots, because with you coming in new places you will get a new experience that is beautiful and memorable of course. With you on a periodic holiday with financial means, who should you be, and with this periodic vacation, you can make motivation to make money to get tomorrow’s vacation tomorrow.

4. Build relationships with coworkers
Boredom at work will be greatly treated when you have a good relationship with your coworkers. Even though you have to have good relationships with coworkers because when you are bored you can tell stories to each other and find solutions together. Or you have friends when lunch time has arrived. With you in a relationship with your coworkers, the work you take will be more enjoyable and easier to complete because it is assisted by colleagues.

5. Put objects in your workplace.
There are other ways you can decorate your desk as interesting as you can by writing motivational writing, putting photos of parents in front of your work desk. Put your photos with loved ones or you can put illustrations on your work table. Illustration of the face of you or your parents so that your work is more enthusiastic and not easily give up. Want a different illustration you can make an illustration in the form of The Simpsons character that depicts a yellow-faced and funny person with a slightly different and funny model that makes your stress and bored a little less. Confused looking for where you can visit the website or order via email

Yellow People Cartoon : Support people when sick

Yellow People Cartoon : Support people when sick

Yellow People Cartoon : Support people when sick
Yellow People Cartoon : Support people when sick

Accepting those closest to you who are sick is not easy. It could be brother, sister, or those closest to us including our friends and friends. Especially if the pain they suffer is not an ordinary illness that heals for one to two days, they must even be treated in hospital. With his condition like that they need us beside him either to just accompany or entertain. Because with you besides them they add motivation to get better soon and want to get together again. Supporting them is not difficult. We can do several things to support our friends who are sick.

1. Say something
Knowing the person closest to staying overnight is quite serious love enough to make us begin to be possessed by negative thoughts. Then we try to reject such thoughts. Because we have to channel positive energy because with our arrival with positive air, it will definitely make our friends or relatives who are sick will feel the aura and encourage the feeling of wanting to recover as soon as possible.
When you feel confused what words should be said to your friend, try to ask questions and listen to the situation experienced by him. Sentences like “I really don’t know what to do, but I really care about you getting well, friend, believe me I always do my best to help you” feeling close and caring is felt here.

2. Don’t let them ask something from us
“Let me know if you need anything” is a good sentence because basically they don’t want to be sick and bother you who are healthy. And they also feel uncomfortable with these words, we are healthy if you want to help, try to be more sensitive to the situation without waiting for him to ask.

3. Do not compare the level of pain they experience
Don’t come to visit and compare your illness with your friend’s illness. Because a person’s body can be different in responding to an illness, it is enough for you to come to see support and you can help with what drugs he should take, and any restrictions when he is sick. That way you have helped without the need to compare.

4. Not feeling sorry for his condition
Some people change their readiness when visiting people who are sick, even though those who are sick also want to be needed as other healthy people.
For example watching t, invited to a walk, or chatting with a hot topic or the topic of funny events in the past. For them, having a friend who can make him forget for a moment the pain of spending time together is a priceless gift.

5. Bring a gift
Bring gifts or gifts for him, certainly not their desire to be given gifts but in order to distract the pain by giving gifts that they usually like such as favorite foods, or favorite objects he can accompany when they are being treated. In addition, you can give an illustration of your brother’s photo when he was healthy, now for his own illustration model, you can choose the simpsonize model. The simpsonize model is an illustration shaped like The Simpsons, which has a yellow 4-fingered face and a unique and funny shape, of course. With the gift that you gave your relatives or friends you will definitely want to get well soon and want to live life as usual.

When the closest person is fighting with his illness, always remind them to continue to persevere in prayer. So it is with us. Always tuck the name in every prayer. We believe that God’s hand is a miraculous physician. Believe that when there is faith, all impossibilities will be broken in His name.

Yellow People Cartoon : A Portrait of Technology in the 90s

Yellow People Cartoon : A Portrait of Technology in the 90s

Yellow People Cartoon : A Portrait of Technology in the 90s
Yellow People Cartoon : A Portrait of Technology in the 90s

Technology is here to give ease to humans. As time goes by, technology is getting easier and more sophisticated. One of them is technology in communication and information midwives. Not only as a supporter of human life but is useful as entertainment when it seems tired. Like the games and cartoon series.

Technology in the past is very different from current technology. For people who understand technology must feel that, because at that time was very limited. Like the 1990s children who feel the difference.

  1. Copying a very long file.

The era of the 90s to copy files for so long was not like now copying files that can be through the cloud. Old times to copy files must use a diskette or use a CD. Hala has its own memories, especially for those who use diskettes.

  1. CD collection

Children of the 90s will definitely feel this, because when he wants to see his favorite flim or listen to their favorite mp3 songs they will definitely save them. And some people have places that are uniquely shaped to store CDs containing their favorite songs and movies.

  1. Computer error.

This is a fact in most 90 children, who feel the name is computer error. When the computer error a lot of notifications appear and when they close they come out again. Until we get annoyed at seeing it.

  1. Play the Game.

In the 90s many games that have developed, but only limited to 2D even though the game is only limited to 2D but has the impression of marrying many people and waiting in line behind us. The legendary game from Windows has a pinball game, Almost all 90 children have played and sometimes even forget when we play it.

  1. Wordart Design

Wow, if we enter Misrosoft Office, it seems like a reliable designer who can replace 3D writing, 3D in the past was very wow because it was still lack of technology literacy at that time.

  1. Full text

For you definitely feel the name of internal limitations on your mobile. Haha if you definitely wouldn’t feel it because the sms contains the operator hehe. During that time too many people were pranking to make cell phone errors by sending lots of text messages.

  1. Cartoons

90s cartoons must have been legendary, starting with Popeye, Tom and Jerry, or The Simpsons. Almost cartoons in the 90s had very high meanings. Starting from discussions that criticize the government and officials, or discuss about everyday events that exist in the surrounding environment. The simpson is very thick with it starting from discussing culture and culture when it was in the 90s. For you who miss the character in the cartoon series The Simpsons series, you can order your face to be made with the simpsonize model. The simpsonize model itself is drawing a person resembling the character character in The Simpsons but does not eliminate the real face identity of the person described.

That’s part of the portrait of life in the era of the 90s, for those of you who have experienced that era there must be a sense of longing and gratitude with the development of technology that is very helpful in the current era. Hopefully this article helps reminisce with memories first.

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