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Turned Yellow : How to get to know an unusual way

Turned Yellow : How to get to know an unusual way

Turned Yellow : How to get to know an unusual way
Turned Yellow : How to get to know an unusual way

Have you ever experienced a condition where you accidentally found the person who made the tug? surely you have met in public transportation in the office or in other public places. Not a few of us chose only at that time and there were no other efforts to get acquainted more closely, letting the opportunity just disappear.
To build closeness, of course we need a beginning called introduction. Dare to get acquainted, it means adding new relationships and opportunities to get to know the character of people more closely. There are several simple ways to make your introduction smoother in an acquaintance session.

1. As a Prefix, you must be confident. Prove that you are a kind and friendly person.
If you are sure that the person who is suitable for you to know and want to take you more seriously from this introduction. Before you advance ahead you gather your will and courage. You want to get to know you, but you don’t dare to be the same.

2. But don’t be too confident.
All of you need to stage guys, you don’t really believe in yourself because it makes the opposite sex or people you know acquaintance lose their respect for you. Because you are seen too strange in the eyes of the him. Do not want to lose this opportunity, you are here trying to throw a greeting introductory like Hi! Or hello! this will definitely be the most difficult stage. But you can immediately do it either just sorry to sit on the side or greetings in each religion.

3. Not lip service, but you must start a light sale but still contains.
What should be done next? After the opening greeting earlier, try asking or saying simple things, “It looks like it’s really hot today,” Make sure that day is really good. Don’t ask something heavy like “Yesterday you chose whose preside” it must be a very heavy question guys hehehe.

4. Get to know the doi deeper.
When you have discussed the light things you have started to get closer with your spouse, you can be a little funny when the conversation between you and him is more fluid. When the conversation is liquid you can ask him more deeply like knowing the name, house and even what his busy schedule. But it was gradually not easy to beat the tempo once hehe. Because he will definitely limit it.

5. Invite to meet.
For the next meeting you can invite the newbie to come out or not you try to pick him up. In the second meeting, intentionally or not, you can ask to meet further. Either invite to coffee shop or pick him up when he comes home from work. And that’s if he doesn’t mind. It could be you invite after the hobby can take to the bookstore or to the cinema to see the new flim.

6. Give interesting things.
The next stage you can give an object that he likes or needs, you can give a gift. By giving a gift you have a deeper sense of attention and closeness. The gifts you give begin to vary, you can give items that are needed by him, or display displays such as dolls or paintings. You can give a painting that shows the face of your father. You ordered a face to be depicted, there is a model that is currently a trend model simpsonize. The simpsonize model, the simpsonize model, depicts photos as if they resemble the characters in The Simpsons, starting from the face or backgorun of cartoons. For more details, you can visit yellowsimpsonize.com website or email at order@yellowsimpsonize.com

It is the stages that you have to go through, have a good try and good luck for further and more serious stages, of course. Hopefully that will be the best for you.

Turned Yellow : The Right Thing To Celebrate Anniversary

Turned Yellow : The Right Thing To Celebrate Anniversary

Today’s dating is very different from our parents’ era. Starting from how to convey feelings and communication media that was very limited at that time. With the ease of technology we are greatly helped in establishing relationships, now to make the relationship even closer usually every year there is a relationship or anniversary statement. Because as a form of success in a relationship in the last one and before.

  1. Invite Your Boyfriend in the First Place to Meet

For the first way to invite your partner you first meet. While remembering memories together at that time, you can remember what clothes he used to eat, what to eat, and with whom. With you talking in that place there are many happy memories because in that place you feel falling in love. Not feel the time will pass and laugh together to discuss the activities of the first activity. Discuss how brave you guys at that time did not dare to invite acquaintances and try to find social media from asking questions to your closest friends, and asking about your likes and habits.

  1. Invite your boyfriend to exchange gifts.

Now for this option to be the next alternative, because here not only you who give gifts. So you can agree to buy gifts that can’t be expensive from the specified price. Let me give a gift in accordance with the ability of friends and not burden each other. Now for the contents of the gift so it is more exciting if you give the theme of what was agreed upon gift.

  1. Make a Stop Motion.

What is the meaning of anniversary for today’s children if it can not be shared via social networks ?, For you want to celebrate the umpteenth anniversary for your partner, you can make a Stop Motion composed of photos that you have with your partner from year to year. It must be seen a change of physical and dress style. In addition you reminisce with your partner that you and he have made a long and difficult journey. But you can still survive and love each other.

  1. Shopping and Cooking.

Unlike other couples, you can use this idea. Start shopping at the market and choose the ingredients you want to cook. Surely the time here is a lot of communication involvement want to make what and how to overcome the difference in communication between you and your father. After shopping you cook it together, you can judge whether he’s painstaking, dirty or good at cooking. Not just romantic, this activity makes the anniversary will be remembered and hard to forget.

  1. Plan a vacation together.

Plan a short vacation with your partner. You can go to tourist destinations in your city, or travel destinations that you desire and want to spend alone. Vacation together and make sweet and beautiful stories of course, this makes your anniversary more beautiful and unforgettable.

  1. Caricature Gifts.

Make a caricature that contains both of your faces. And don’t forget to protect caricatures with frames. Talking about caricature, there is a caricature model which is more trendy. The caricature model is Simpsonize, Simpsonize is a caricature that changes the face to become as if it is a character in the cartoon The Simpsons. For those of you who have not been able to make caricatures do not need to worry because on the website yellowsimpsosnize.com provides caricature reference with the simpsonize model. This gift is very suitable and different from the others because your face and the game will be described as if in the series The Simpsons. For more information, you can visit the website yellowsimpsonize.com or email order@yellowsimpsonize.com


It is an alternative when you are celebrating anniversary with your partner, whatever gifts and things you do will certainly always be memorable and memorable. My advice is do it as long as it is safe and not burdensome to you. Happy anniversary.

Turned Yellow :6 Simple Gifts for Your Favorite Teachers

Turned Yellow :6 Simple Gifts for Your Favorite Teachers

Turned Yellow :6 Simple Gifts for Your Favorite Teachers
Turned Yellow :6 Simple Gifts for Your Favorite Teachers



In addition to family, spouse and friends, there is another one that is more than just a gift, our teacher. Yups however we must respect and respect a teacher. Like the teacher is our second parent, he is he who teaches us the science of education, manners and so forth that we cannot explain individually. For return even though it is not comparable with the knowledge given by our teacher. For those of you who want to give a gift to your teacher, you can refer to the article below, perhaps it helps to find the right gift for your teacher.




  1. Album Memories

School farewells usually like to make a school yearbook as a memento for those who are going to graduate. To make it more memorable and different from your school memory album, you can create a class memory album for your teacher or homeroom teacher. By utilizing used items that are available and can still be utilized, then make a cling or scrapbook that contains photos of classmates and activities in the classroom and don’t forget to give sweet words. This will be an unforgettable gift for your teacher.


  1. Fabric

Teachers usually dress formally. For that they definitely need a lot of formal clothes. Fabric can be an alternative gift for your teacher. Because you do not need to buy a young clothes what model and what size clothes. So you don’t need to be afraid that the clothes you are giving do not match the model or size that does not fit.


  1. Journal books

A teacher usually takes notes, the right choice if you give a gift in the form of a journal. It was very useful to support his daily activities, ranging from teaching and learning or school meetings. In addition, journal books are not difficult to find and the price is affordable. Give a journal that has the colors of his diocese. So that he wants to make notes when he will remember with students like you.


  1. Pencil Case

All teachers definitely need a pencil holder. It is certainly very useful for a teacher so that his stationery is not scattered a lot and is simple to carry anywhere. In addition, the price of a pencil case is still affordable and searching for it is not too difficult because there are so many bookstores available. Observe in advance the favorite colors and motifs that he likes.


  1. Book

The next gift choice is a book. Generally the teachers like to read, so you give additional reading for him when he is free. What’s hard about this gift is guessing what genre of books your teacher likes.


  1. Caricature

Now for caricature is an alternative for you who want to give a gift that is somewhat different from the others. You can make caricatures when your teacher is teaching. To compete for a caricature that is slightly different and unique but still interesting to look at you can use the simpsonize model. The simpsonize model is that your teacher’s face is made as if it is similar to the character of Simpson without losing the identity of your teacher’s face. So the gift that you give leaves the impression that it can even be displayed in a room at home or in his workroom. If you want to describe your teacher with the simpsonize model, you can visit the site yellowsimpsonize.com or order by email at order@yellowsimpsonize.com


One thing to remember is that he will not care about the price. Whatever you give will certainly be meaningful because of your gift from the form of sincerity. Gratitude for the knowledge that has been given.

So, don’t be afraid or embarrassed! Whatever gift you give will make him happy, really. He will remember your sincerity for a very long time, just as you will always carry the knowledge he has taught.

Turned Yellow : 7 recommendations for the best gift for father.


Turned Yellow : 7 recommendations for the best gift for father.


Turned Yellow : 7 recommendations for the best gift for father.

As a child, of course you want to give a gift to father as a form of gratitude. These gifts can be given when your father’s birthday, when the holiday, or whenever you want. Today, there are many gift choices that you can prepare for dad, to the point that you might get confused in choosing.

Before you buy a gift for me, you can see your father’s habits. Because the gifts you will give are often used and useful for your father’s activities. The gift that pleases your father the most is something related to his hobby. Surely your father will be happy to get a gift from his baby. Let’s see what gifts are appropriate for your father.

  1. Necktie

Ties are important objects to support the appearance of some fathers. Choose a nice tie and your father’s favorite motif. So your father will often use it because it is suitable to use.

  1. Wallet

This wallet can be an alternative gift for the next, because the wallet is also identical to the dashing of a man. You can choose a wallet made from genuine leather. In addition to durable wallet that will be used by your father is not easily damaged. Before you give your wallet to dad you can fill it with words and photos of you and Dad together. Your father will be happy again if in a wallet filled with money hehehe.

  1. Vape or Electric Cigarette

Furthermore, there is a gift vape for your father who is a cigarette addict, you can move conventional cigarettes to electric cigarettes. In addition to having various kinds of e-cigarette flavors, it is considered to be slightly healthier than e-cigarettes. This thing will definitely be used more free time and can reduce conventional cigarettes.

  1. Watches

For the next gift that suits dad, there is a watch. In addition to showing the time, the clock also adds to a man’s dashing. This is very suitable for your father, although old age style still feels young. That way your father feels close to his child because of the hours you give.

  1. Coffee

Now the next gift is suitable for those who have a coffee-loving father, you can give your father’s favorite coffee or you can buy a typical coffee copik in the world like a typical civet copik.

  1. Health Sandals

For those of you who want to see your father’s health has begun to decrease, you can give a little package of vitamins or provide medical equipment. In this case you can give examples of misfortune because many benefits are generated and at least can not make your father fitter of course.

  1. Caricature

Then you can describe your father who is working or at home by turning into a unique and funny caricature. Surely this will make and difficult to forget for your father. Talking about caricatures, there are models that are trending, simpsonize character models. Yups simpsonize characters make the face and body change as if it looks like a simspon cartoon. You can customize your picture with your father so that it can be one frame. If you are confused about searching for it, you can visit the website yellowsimpsonize.com because there are many good and unique examples, if you are interested in that you can fill out the form on the website yellowsimsponize.com or you can order at email order@yellowsimpsonize.com

Whatever things you give especially to fathers, they will certainly and also ensure your free time for your father and family. Take care of him as long as he is and make them happy in the world and in the hereafter.

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