Yellow People Cartoon : Cartoon Characters That Are Suitable For Your Illustrator Pictures.
Yellow People Cartoon : Cartoon Characters That Are Suitable For Your Illustrator Pictures.

Who is growing up and growing up without cartoons? Most of us have definitely or often been crazy about cartoons. Starting from waking up in the morning to see the cartoon series that we like, even on Sundays most of us will spend time watching cartoons that mostly fill our TV screens hehe. Miss you a lot right?
To commemorate our pleasant past with cartoons, we can change our face pictures with cartoon models that we idolized at that time. There are several cartoon models that are still popular today. What are some cartoons that can make our face illustrator model?
1. Simpson
The first position is Simpson, Simpson’s character has been decorating the screen for more than 30 years. Besides that, there are many interesting stories, apparently from the Simpson story many of the events in the Simpson cartoon come true. Apart from that many fans who idolized the simspon cartoon because of its entertaining and stomach shuffle for the audience. Not a few of the simpson fans made a picture of him or loved ones to be portrayed as if it were similar to the simpson cartoon. The flow is many who call it simpsonize. Not only is the face illustrated like a simpsone character, but the background is also adapted to the cartoon series so that it becomes an interesting memory. For those of you who want your face to look like a simpson character without losing yourself, let’s check at
2. The flinstone
Almost the same as the simpson cartoon, this flinestone cartoon is also a comedy genre. Unlike the other cartoons, flinstone cartoons are the background of life in the stone age, living opposite the ancient animals of the time. But his life is like the life now that there are already people working with simple vehicles. You must remember and miss your childhood.
3. Dragon ball
Surely everyone already knows the name is Dragon Ball, Goku. Yups, this cartoon tells of a warrior who is looking for 7 dragon balls to make a request to reconcile the whole world. But the journey to find 7 pieces of dragon ball is not easy, many powerful enemies are blocking, many of the fans want to feel super powers like Sun Goku. No wonder when we were little we screamed and wanted to be like Super Saiyan. When we grow up, many of us want to become Super Saiyan, but not in real terms, but in the form of photo illustrators that are stylish like Sun Goku.
4. Dora the exploler
Dora the exploler cartoon teaches us to be brave and have to be friendly with fellow living creatures, this character is also a favorite model for a face illustrator besides the simpsonize model. With a simple character and not too complicated this model is excellent for dora lovers.
5. Spongebob squerpants
Spongebob is a popular cartoon in the world many who like spongebob because of hard work, always happy under any circumstances, friendly and affectionate with pets. Many spongebob fans want to be part of a series by making their photos theme with aquatic animals, the weakness of the spongbob model is the loss of some of the fans’ identities to be portrayed.
Now that is a series of cartoon models that are popular with fans to be characters in themselves and with family. For friends who want their faces in the picture with a simpsonize model that is almost similar to the characters in Simpson, you can directly visit the website or order via email