Turn me Yellow : Things you can do when Easter with family

Easter is one of the important moments for Christians after Christmas. During the Easter celebration every year, various events will be held after the Easter service. Routine events such as decorating eggs and sharing easter eggs, gathering with extended family at grandma’s house and making friends with relatives. Excitement of course it’s a pity to pass up. Moreover, you are still young, spending the Easter moment with family will definitely be fun in this Easter holiday.
Then what should be done so that the Easter event with a large family can run well and bring joy especially to yourself?
1. Prepare yourself (Physical and Spiritual)
The point here is that you let go of all the ego when it comes to a big family when you meet on Easter Day. Like Grandma who doesn’t like the look of you wearing clothes. Or your aunt who is always nagging and criticizing you. Now with self-readiness and further reduce your ego, everything will be fine and more relaxed enjoy without fear of being offended or the like.
2. Control and reaction
Don’t react easily to a variety of family characters that still haven’t changed. But start changing yourself first. So they can see that you are no longer the same as what they know, especially when you come you say the victory of Jesus. If in the past you have had a good time with your relatives, this is the right time to forgive and learn from the past not to repeat the problems that have existed.
3. Time to get to know your family more deeply
One believer in the family will save a family. Yes, I believe that will happen. For this reason, it is time to meet a large family and get to know your family more deeply, knowing him knows the ins and outs of helping them when in trouble. Ask your family in the past whether you have lived righteously in God or not. If they are still not stuck in God, it’s time to act in prayer or share what you already know about the truth.
4. Try to get along with everyone
Face everyone with a smile and share your new experience to build them and yourself because you get input experiences from different people. Be a person who always talks and acts positive. When else can be a role model in a large family? Always remember that this is a rare moment that is worth remembering and enjoying. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Therefore every moment must be valued and used optimally.
5. Leave a good impression on the whole family
Yupps after a few steps. Leave a good impression there must be, with the qualities of patience, leadership and others. In addition you can give memories that are not less interesting than the things above. You can give interesting gifts such as big family illustrations because it’s the momentum to gather together. Illustration that is trending and suitable for large families is illustrated by simpsonize illustrations. Illustration that depicts people resembling the cartoon series The Simpsons. The gift you give will be very good on Easter Day. As well as gifts that you give will be placed in the gathering room of your grandma’s house. If you are curious you can visit the existing website yellowsimpsonize.com or you can visit instagram @yellowsimpsonize there are many examples of examples so from yellowsimpsonize.com. If you are interested and want to order, you can order directly on the form on the website yellowsimpsonize or order via email order@yellowsimsonize.com